Barnes & Noble Greenwich Village location to close at end of year.
I went into the Union Square store recently. The whole back of the first floor was a giant ad for their Nook reader.
I went upstairs, looking for the fun section where you used to find lots of big picture books at discount. It had moved, and was a minor afterthought rather than the former treasure trove.
Nothing beats looking over a range of books, even if pixels weigh a lot less.
29 November 2012
Celsius 233
10 November 2012
Hudson River,
New York,
08 November 2012
The result would be as jarring as the color scheme. |
I so enjoyed the Wednesday "message to Republicans" that many commenters on tv were idiotically spewing: The GOP needs to take seriously the feelings and interests of Hispanic voters, African Americans, women, gay folks, the middle class ... and on and on.
What? Come again? What's been going on for the last 45 years, since the start of Nixon's Southern Strategy? The Republicans have built their brand upon capitalizing on the fear of scared white people. They've climbed every mountain looking for the next group to hate: uppity women, out gay people, black people trying to get along and get ahead, immigrants taking the miserable work no one else would do. They have worked feverishly to secure the aborted fetus vote and chain pregnant women to hospital beds until they give birth. This has been their agenda.
Sometimes they whisper it quietly, other times they deliver a vision of an old cavalry charging in with Jesus in the lead, riding a white horse, machine-gun blazing.
Occasionally you think the leadership believes their own nonsense, and some do. The Tea Party movement caused them the most frustration. These were people who drank the Kool Aid and lived to be elected to congressional seats. The leadership never really expected this development, and now the media is urging them to purge these crazies from their ranks and adopt a moderate tone.
It's too late. Boehner can't spray-tan over the extremists. The Republicans can't suddenly embrace people they've scorned. They can't throw on pink wigs and go out in drag without being laughed at. They cannot change in any meaningful way, and that's a good thing. They are at last stuck with being who they claimed to be all along.
election 2012,
right-wing nuttery
26 October 2012
Good reading at Guardian from Dean Baker on Obama's failure to defend Social Security.
I think Dean Baker fails to see that Obama is just mildly less horrifying than, say, Paul Ryan on Social Security. His heart is truly in the business of cutting if not gutting the program. I'll say it right out: he's that awful on the program, and he has been all along. Out loud, for all to hear.
He's not appeasing anyone.
The story here is a simple one: while social security may enjoy overwhelming support across the political spectrum, it does not poll nearly as well among the wealthy people – who finance political campaigns and own major news outlets. The predominant philosophy among this group is that a dollar in a worker['s] pocket is a dollar that could be in a rich person's pocket – and these people see social security putting lots of dollars in the pockets of people who are not rich.
There is also the flip side to this story. Politicians, especially Democrats, who speak up for cuts to social security can count on lavish praise from the media. Political figures of no obvious stature, like former Louisiana Senator John Breaux or former Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, were lionized in the media for their willingness to cut social security benefits. After leaving the Senate, both took lobbying positions where they were almost certainly earning well over $1m a year.
This is the fundamental economics of social security that explains why it has not figured more prominently in the presidential race. If President Obama were to rise in defense of the program, he could count on losing the financial backing of many supporters. He would also get beaten up by the Washington Post and other major news outlets for challenging their agenda.That about sums it up, but it does not go far enough. Obama, for reasons he has never explained, has been trying to cut Social Security from the beginning of his presidency. He called for what are euphemistically called "entitlement reforms" from the word jump. He tried to make the Simpson-Bowles slash-and-burn pirates into a fast-track committee. He tried to cut Social Security in his "grand bargain," which was a bargain for nobody who ever shopped for a bargain.
I think Dean Baker fails to see that Obama is just mildly less horrifying than, say, Paul Ryan on Social Security. His heart is truly in the business of cutting if not gutting the program. I'll say it right out: he's that awful on the program, and he has been all along. Out loud, for all to hear.
He's not appeasing anyone.
Social Security
13 October 2012
22 September 2012
19 September 2012
The Mother Jones transcripts look like they explain just what the hell Mitt Romney was thinking when he made those very ugly comments after the Libya embassy massacre:
So, he DID have a situation like that happen and he jumped on it with both feet. He didn't use his supposedly large brain to filter out the idea, because he already had that idea in mind! The handlers only crafted the message, at best. This was no misstep or misstatement. It was on him.Audience member: If you get the call as president, and you had hostages…Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement, even before he became, was actually sworn in—Romney: Yeah—
Audience member: the hostages were released—
Romney: on the day of his inauguration, yeah.
Audience member: So my question is, really, how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: Ohhhh. [A few chuckles in audience.] I'm gonna ask you, how do I duplicate that scenario.
Audience member: I think that had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan would do something to really get them out. In other words [unintelligible]…and that's why I'm suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would predict and I think that's something that could possibly resonate very well with American Republican voters.
Romney: I appreciate the idea. I can't—one of the other things that's frustrating to me is that at a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions that I get are between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq. This president's failure to put in place a status forces agreement allowing 10-20,000 troops to stay in Iraq? Unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we have hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean that's—that was—that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I'm afraid today if you said, "We got Iran to agree to stand down a nuclear weapon," they'd go hold on. It's really a, but…by the way, if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.
The reality show that is the Romney campaign hit the rocks this week.
What no one has mentioned about the video is that none of the audience even coughed. No one stirred, fidgeted, or looked around. Does that mean they agreed with him? Not necessarily, but neither did they find his remarks outlandish.
And so, in private, these thoughts can be voiced. Hell, Paul Ryan says about the same things into any public microphone he finds live.
This is the ideology, often cloaked, rarely stated, tied with a bow. I admire Romney's boldness in stating it directly. How is he not a conservative now? Those calling on him to double down are the voices he should listen to. Why not have this argument out in the open, finally? Without the code words, without the dressing and drapery.
When the many conservatives pile on Romney now, it's a damn good spectacle. But what else have they been saying all along? About the same.
I'll take that debate. Then let the vote happen. Romney did not back off. Good first step.
What no one has mentioned about the video is that none of the audience even coughed. No one stirred, fidgeted, or looked around. Does that mean they agreed with him? Not necessarily, but neither did they find his remarks outlandish.
And so, in private, these thoughts can be voiced. Hell, Paul Ryan says about the same things into any public microphone he finds live.
This is the ideology, often cloaked, rarely stated, tied with a bow. I admire Romney's boldness in stating it directly. How is he not a conservative now? Those calling on him to double down are the voices he should listen to. Why not have this argument out in the open, finally? Without the code words, without the dressing and drapery.
When the many conservatives pile on Romney now, it's a damn good spectacle. But what else have they been saying all along? About the same.
I'll take that debate. Then let the vote happen. Romney did not back off. Good first step.
Mitt Romney,
16 September 2012
How did I predict it? Romney backed off and basically said the same thing that the Cairo U.S. embassy said, and that Secretary Clinton said. And he basically issued a no comment on the whole story.
Of course, certain of his advisers and point people are still flapping their gums, but it's a 180, and it's obvious.
At least he did the right thing after all! Not huge praise. I still have no idea what he was thinking when he followed this dreadful advice! He should have used his brain to filter out this concept.
He's just looking way too weak, following whatever some far right person tells him to say to keep that part of the party in the bag. He's been so desperate to court and hold them, that he's backed himself to the edge of a cliff. I think he fell off this time, but that may not be true.
We'll see soon enough. Hell, I could have told him not to do it.
Of course, certain of his advisers and point people are still flapping their gums, but it's a 180, and it's obvious.
At least he did the right thing after all! Not huge praise. I still have no idea what he was thinking when he followed this dreadful advice! He should have used his brain to filter out this concept.
He's just looking way too weak, following whatever some far right person tells him to say to keep that part of the party in the bag. He's been so desperate to court and hold them, that he's backed himself to the edge of a cliff. I think he fell off this time, but that may not be true.
We'll see soon enough. Hell, I could have told him not to do it.
Don't believe it? Read the LA Times article about the Boy Scouts's dirty doings.
In 1976, five Boy Scouts wrote detailed complaints accusing a Pennsylvania scoutmaster of two rapes and other sex crimes, according to his file. He abruptly resigned in writing, saying he had to travel more for work.
"Good luck to you in your new position," a top troop representative wrote back. He said he was accepting the resignation "with extreme regret."Of course the lawyers fought tooth and nail to cover up the cover-up. These files apparently only cover the '70s to the early '90s.
A few months after Humphries' arrest in 1984, local Scouting official Jack Terwilliger told the Virginian-Pilot newspaper that no one at the local Scout council had had suspicions about Humphries.Another sanctimonious "religious" organization aiding and abetting horrific crimes. Lovely. Disband the thing by court order.
But that was not true. Records in Humphries' file show that six years earlier, Terwilliger had ordered officials to interview a Scout who gave a detailed account of Humphries' repeated acts of oral sex on him.
"He then told me to do the same and I did," the 12-year-old boy said in a sworn statement in 1978.
Humphries continued to work with Scouts and molested at least five more boys before police, acting on a tip, stopped him in 1984. He was convicted of abusing 20 Boy Scouts, some as young as 8, and was sentenced to 151 years in prison.
12 September 2012
Romney's people need to exert message control. I know he's getting slammed for what he said, but it could derive from a combination of bad information and bad advice. Let's look at what happened, even though details are, ahem, sketchy.
Okay, here's the Cairo Embassy statement:
The press release above is dated Tues., Sept. 11, 2012. I see no time stamp on it, so I have no idea when it was written. This becomes crucial, and I'll update when I find out, if I can, because now the Republicans are lining up behind Romney's attack on this statement. Sarah Palin, first to flap gums as always, claims it was sent while the Egyptian embassy was being stormed.
They obviously should be doing damage control, because they're all but saying this statement caused the attacks. That's a real stretch.
Here they might be seen as aligning with Koran-burning nut job Terry Jones. He seems to have been pumping this video. No one seems to know a damn thing about this video's true origins, but it got mentioned on Egyptian television after an Arab-language dubbing happened. Somehow Pastor Jones's promotion gets on government radar, as the linked article here reads:
In Libya, while there was a protest happening in front of the embassy, rumors fly that there may have been a planned attack that used an ordinary protest as cover for the operation. I don't know. If that turns out to be true, then Romney's shot off his mouth too soon.
The White House is saying they did not clear the statement. Fine, if true, and Secretary of State Clinton has basically restated the premise: not a great idea to deliberately insult a people's religion, because we've been supposedly a tolerant nation for oh so long. Unless you happened to be a Native American, or, well, let's not bring all that up now.
So, the timing is crucial. When did the statement go out? Whether the Libyan attack was planned is also crucial, because no cause and effect can be found.
Okay, here's the Cairo Embassy statement:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of othersThis is about the notably bad video, Innocence of Muslims. It may or not be made by its poster, Sam Bacile.
The press release above is dated Tues., Sept. 11, 2012. I see no time stamp on it, so I have no idea when it was written. This becomes crucial, and I'll update when I find out, if I can, because now the Republicans are lining up behind Romney's attack on this statement. Sarah Palin, first to flap gums as always, claims it was sent while the Egyptian embassy was being stormed.
They obviously should be doing damage control, because they're all but saying this statement caused the attacks. That's a real stretch.
Here they might be seen as aligning with Koran-burning nut job Terry Jones. He seems to have been pumping this video. No one seems to know a damn thing about this video's true origins, but it got mentioned on Egyptian television after an Arab-language dubbing happened. Somehow Pastor Jones's promotion gets on government radar, as the linked article here reads:
On Wednesday, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called Mr. Jones and asked him to consider withdrawing his support for the video, a senior administration official told reporters in a conference call. Mr. Jones’ response was “non-committal,” the administration official said.Perhaps the statement came out before the rest of it all. I don't know. If so, that's a problem for a blame-the-statement messaging, and backtracking may ensue. Whether chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be calling up private citizens and telling them to put a lid on it, that I have the answer to. Er, no. Love him or hate him, this nut job has every right to pull his nuttery. He can light Goodnight Moon, holy books, or a set of encyclopedias on fire in the public square, for all I care.
In Libya, while there was a protest happening in front of the embassy, rumors fly that there may have been a planned attack that used an ordinary protest as cover for the operation. I don't know. If that turns out to be true, then Romney's shot off his mouth too soon.
The White House is saying they did not clear the statement. Fine, if true, and Secretary of State Clinton has basically restated the premise: not a great idea to deliberately insult a people's religion, because we've been supposedly a tolerant nation for oh so long. Unless you happened to be a Native American, or, well, let's not bring all that up now.
So, the timing is crucial. When did the statement go out? Whether the Libyan attack was planned is also crucial, because no cause and effect can be found.
Mitt Romney,
08 September 2012
04 September 2012
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Burger King at his coronation as the Messiah. |
No more paper crowns for you plebs!
30 August 2012
29 August 2012
Chris Christie's War on Love
The greatest lesson Mom ever taught me, though, was this one: she told me there would be times in your life when you have to choose between being loved and being respected. She said to always pick being respected, that love without respect was always fleeting — but that respect could grow into real, lasting love.
Now, of course, she was talking about women.
But I have learned over time that it applies just as much to leadership. In fact, I think that advice applies to America today more than ever.
I believe we have become paralyzed by our desire to be loved.
Our Founding Fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity is fleeting and that this country's principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and emotions of the times.
Our leaders today have decided it is more important to be popular, to do what is easy and say "yes," rather than to say no when "no" is what's required.
In recent years, we as a country have too often chosen the same path.
It's been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues. And we've stood silently by and let them get away with it.
But tonight, I say enough.
Tonight, we choose respect over love.
We are not afraid. We are taking our country back.
video at Politico
So, continuing last week's Republican theme of screwed up, twisted views of women, we have Christie saying "All right, Mom, I'll take your advice. Who cares if a woman loves me? What basis is love for a relationship anyway?" And he repeats this as some sort of wisdom of the ages. Jerk.
Then he transfers that sick idea to the politician's relationship with the entire country. Thus, "The people are my bitch, and I must pimp-slap them if they don't give me my money."
And so, the circle is complete! The Conservative mindset is revealed as the smokescreen blows away in the wind. This is a War on Love itself. Hell, according to Christie, even the vaunted founding fathers had no place in their hearts for such a trifling emotion, such piffle. They were as hard and cold as their chiseled stone statues. Forget that part in the Declaration of Independence about friendship with your enemy in peace, and while you're at it, burn their love letters home. No, the people must be hated, loathed, and abused. Severely.
This country needs a strong hand, according to this ideal of governing mouthed by the governor, and if leaders like he are hated and feared, that's the goal. Being loved, or doing something for people that causes you to be loved by them, why that's weakness and failure. Love itself is a sign of something gone terribly wrong, a country utterly lost. It must be stamped out. Specifically, he is saying, "We thrive on your hatred of us!"
And so, from the people who declared the Culture War, we now have the War on Love. Welcome to it.
Chris Christie,
New Jersey,
War on Women
12 August 2012

If you're so damn antigovernment, could you please stop running for higher and higher office? It makes you, dare I say, government.
The rest of the antigovernment crowd is always headed up by senators, congressmen, governors, and the like. These people are the government.
This should be obvious to anyone, but I feel it needs to be stated. The media seem never to point out this simple truth.
Mitt Romney,
Paul Ryan,
right-wing nuttery
09 August 2012
East Village,
New York City
11 June 2012

I've NEVER, EVER seen the Ten Commandments posted in front of ANY church in my life.
I found a story of an attempt made quite some distance from the church, in New Jersey no less. Not the Bible Belt exactly, and they got them wrong! (There's an extra-points bonus error that the author of this amusing tale missed.) A search around brings up a smattering of these monuments actually in front of churches!
The above is an example of the standard boilerplate black granite, again being unveiled in front of some unsuspecting court house. I think there's a factory, since the blocks of rock all look the same. Note that the Tenth Commandment is shrunk down into, "Thou shalt not covet." This is clearly a big error, and a bearing of false witness in and of itself.
I thought that coveting is what makes people buy shiny new cars. Coveting is the very basis for the advertising industry. Good conservatives believe in coveting as a supreme value, above almost all others. Greed is God in Ayn Rand's world. Knock over those old ladies and grab that brass ring.
So, why do fundamentalist Christians INSIST these slabs be placed in front of court houses? Why not just slap them up on their own grounds, facing outward? Perhaps because that could be bad for business, especially that tiny one about adultery. Without breaking that Commandment, no soap opera would exist. What? The members might get a little squirmy if they had to walk past that holy suggestion every Sunday? Not possible!
The good Christians here have gone out of their way to avoid all that "thy neighbor's ass" wording, which might make 13-year-olds shriek in hysterics. The link above lists a number of translations, only one of which substitutes "donkey" for ass. Donkey? Guffaw.
But no, these people haven't even taken that coy approach, coveting is coveting and they don't like it. Covet a seashell you see all gleaming and pink down the beach, which is free and owned by no one? Stop it this instant. Drop that seashell and run from the wrath of Yahweh.
Bible thumping,
right-wing nuttery,
ten commandments,
07 June 2012
The wave of domestic terrorism continues, this time at THE VELVET ROPE, in Oak Park.
The blaze Sunday morning gutted the Velvet Rope, at 728 Lake St. The club's owner, Frank Elliott, said derogatory messages were scrawled on the wall inside the burned-out club. Authorities were seen removing a piece of a wall and loading it onto a truck.I have no idea whether any of these arson events are connected, or if there's a copycat factor. Even one individual acting alone is committing terrorism when the intent is to cause terror in any community. Period.
Authorities have not said whether they believe the business was targeted because it was a gay club.
domestic terrorism,
hate crimes
05 June 2012
AP has the report of two Milwaukee priest payoffs:
I guess by labeling it as "charity" that changes what it is? Awfully slippery, and I don't buy it.
Cardinal Dolan still has the ability to change course here and do a world of good to repair many wrongs. A semantic squabble seems a bit petty at this stage. I think his dignity of office would be better served by trying to fix things.
The archdiocese acknowledged it paid suspected pedophile clergy to leave the priesthood after an abuse victims' group produced a court document that references a 2003 proposal to pay $20,000 to "unassignable priests" who agree to leave the ministry. The document from the archdiocese's bankruptcy proceedings includes minutes from a 2003 meeting of its Finance Council, which included then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan, now a cardinal and head of the New York archdiocese.Odd timing, that last one. Perhaps he had never been accused until 2003? I don't have those details. So, Cardinal Dolan was getting the guy booted, by the now-Pope, no less. Then he either claims not to know about the payoff, or considers it "charity." Which is it? I think the press needs to press him on this issue.
The archdiocese acknowledged in 2006 that it gave $10,000 to former priest Franklyn Becker to help pay his health insurance until he became eligible for Medicare.
Dolan asked then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 2003 to defrock Becker after allegations of repeated sexual abuse of children that dated back to at least 1970. Dolan wrote the letter about two weeks after Becker was arrested in California in connection to a sexual assault there in the 1970s. Becker was removed from the priesthood in 2004.
I guess by labeling it as "charity" that changes what it is? Awfully slippery, and I don't buy it.
Cardinal Dolan still has the ability to change course here and do a world of good to repair many wrongs. A semantic squabble seems a bit petty at this stage. I think his dignity of office would be better served by trying to fix things.
04 June 2012
WNYC reports on Dolan's press gaggle. He denies something about the $20K payoffs to accused priests.
Is he saying the program never went forward? He doesn't say as much.
Does he deny he knew about any of this, or fall back on the old faulty memory syndrome? Not here he doesn't.
Is he withdrawing what his spokesman said? WNYC said they didn't get a response here.
The best answer he has is "Snap has no credibility whatsoever."? Good work. Attack the victims! Unleash the hounds. Works every time.
Groundless and scurrilous charges? When they are based on an internal church document? That's a ground, sure as there's earth beneath all mortals' feet.
"SNAP has no credibility whatsoever," Dolan said. “To respond to charges like that that are groundless and scurrilous in my book is useless and counterproductive.”Working his best to keep the story alive, Dolan denies a proposal that seems to have gone forward during his leadership. Wait, we have it from a court filing. Is the document the Catholic Church provided a fake? Is that what he's claiming? Doubtful.
Dolan’s comments Sunday seemed to contradict a statement made to WNYC by a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York last week, which said that the cardinal "has read and supports the statement from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee."
Is he saying the program never went forward? He doesn't say as much.
Does he deny he knew about any of this, or fall back on the old faulty memory syndrome? Not here he doesn't.
Is he withdrawing what his spokesman said? WNYC said they didn't get a response here.
The best answer he has is "Snap has no credibility whatsoever."? Good work. Attack the victims! Unleash the hounds. Works every time.
Groundless and scurrilous charges? When they are based on an internal church document? That's a ground, sure as there's earth beneath all mortals' feet.
03 June 2012
According to CNN and a bit of discovery in the Catholic Church's bankruptcy case in Milwaukee, our own Archbishop Dolan approved a program of $20K payoffs to priests leaving the church for abusing children.
On Thursday, the archdiocese confirmed that it had offered payoffs to abusive priests as "the most expedient and cost-effective way to have offenders laicized or removed from the priesthood."
Having an abuser volunteer to go through the process known as laicization - formally leaving the priesthood - "was faster and less expensive. It made sense to try and move these men out of the priesthood as quickly as possible," the archdiocese said in a statement.Lovely. How expedient. The abuser cash-out. I guess there were enough of them to push the Milwaukee church into BANKRUPTCY. Yeah, right, the Catholic Church is bankrupt. Sell a few bejewelled gewgaws and diadems and the like. Have a damn tag sale. Hell, donate all future bingo proceeds to a fun.
One Catholic church source defended the payment plan on Thursday, saying, “You either pay them to leave and give them money for food and clothes and shelter as they look for a job or you have a drawn out trial that could take years.”Er, better for WHOM? Exactly whom would that be better for? Can someone clue me in? Laicized indeed.
“Wouldn’t that be preferable than to keep them as priests and paying their salaries,” the source, who would agree to speak only anonymously. “And wouldn’t it be better than a trial and to have victims testifying and cross examined?”
Catholic church,
Timothy Dolan
01 June 2012
Sad news, with a mixed "upside" from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs:
Not good news at the beginning of Gay Pride Month.
NCAVP documented a 16% decrease in hate violence incidents from 2010 to 2011 but an 11% increase in murder. This year many NCAVP members saw a decline in reports of violence linked to a corresponding increase in murders. “In Detroit, an increase in the severity of violence and particularly murders made it challenging for us to find the capacity to do outreach which can lead to a decrease in reports,” said Nusrat Ventimiglia at Equality Michigan. This increase in murders consumed a great deal of organizational capacity. “NCAVP members across the country have spent a tremendous amount of time and resources responding to murders and the tragic, ongoing suicides of our LGBTQ youth,” said Rebecca Waggoner from OutFront Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The 2011 report also highlights a number of disturbing trends concerning the severity of violence experienced by LGBTQH people. This year’s report shows that LGBTQH youth and young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 years old were 2.41 times as likely to experience physical violence compared to LGBTQH people age 30 and older. As in the case of the murder statistics, transgender people and people of color were more likely to experience physical injury in a hate violence incident. The report found that transgender people were 28% as likely to experience physical violence compared to non-transgender people, and that LGBTQ people of color were two times as likely to experience physical violence compared to those who were not LGBTQ people of color.The actual number of murders is 30. Of course, the groups realize that many incidents go unreported. They say they are so strained by responding to individual incidents that perhaps some people are discouraged in reaching out for help.
Not good news at the beginning of Gay Pride Month.
31 May 2012
Next Mag posts a screed about an incident at the Standard. Someone came on a nongay and non-gay friendly night.
I always saw the phenom as something of a half-step backward. The outcome is practically guaranteed.
Gay club life has been of the floating party variety in New York for some time. Sensitivity training for staff is a start, but how long does that stick?
This could be sorted out rather easily, with a solution I have in mind. It would take a little work, though, and perhaps the party givers don't have the time to spare.
If a club wants to cater to a gay clientele it needs to be open and accepting all the time, every night of the week.Okay, I agree, but, wait. This one-gay-night-a-week thing at club venues has been going on for a lo-o-o-o-ng time around here. You're just noticing? C'mon Next.
I always saw the phenom as something of a half-step backward. The outcome is practically guaranteed.
Gay club life has been of the floating party variety in New York for some time. Sensitivity training for staff is a start, but how long does that stick?
This could be sorted out rather easily, with a solution I have in mind. It would take a little work, though, and perhaps the party givers don't have the time to spare.
MSNBC has the same story everyone else does, saying that DOMA is struck down:
Second, the U.S. 1st District Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against FEDERAL discrimination against same sex marriage. What's absurd in this road show is that the actual constitutional language that bears on the law was never at issue. I speak of course of the "full faith and credit" clause, which binds states to recognize the acts and proceedings of other states.
I know, I know. We'll get the usual, "This one helps the cause, because it heaps up more arguments on our side." Yes, but this particular Supreme Court has an absolutely dismal record of applying law and logic to much of anything that appears to be a political issue. Socially just they are not. So, let's be ever hopeful, but watch with caution.
So, hurray, a bit, maybe, sort of... Again, where are these "strict constructionists" when the word-for-word reading of the constitution would simply make same-sex marriage instantly, as in NOW, legal throughout the land? Thunderous silence.
So, pop only yesterday's flattening champagne and make a mimosa. Leave the new bottle on the shelf.
A federal appeals court has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that denies a host of federal benefits to same-sex married couples, is unconstitutional.Not so fast! It's true as far as it goes, but this one's going to the U.S. Supreme Court, and we know the rotting composition of that fallen branch of government.
Second, the U.S. 1st District Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against FEDERAL discrimination against same sex marriage. What's absurd in this road show is that the actual constitutional language that bears on the law was never at issue. I speak of course of the "full faith and credit" clause, which binds states to recognize the acts and proceedings of other states.
I know, I know. We'll get the usual, "This one helps the cause, because it heaps up more arguments on our side." Yes, but this particular Supreme Court has an absolutely dismal record of applying law and logic to much of anything that appears to be a political issue. Socially just they are not. So, let's be ever hopeful, but watch with caution.
So, hurray, a bit, maybe, sort of... Again, where are these "strict constructionists" when the word-for-word reading of the constitution would simply make same-sex marriage instantly, as in NOW, legal throughout the land? Thunderous silence.
So, pop only yesterday's flattening champagne and make a mimosa. Leave the new bottle on the shelf.
gay marriage,
gay rights,
marriage equality,
Supreme Court
30 May 2012
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Murder-lover Curtis Knapp |
Curtis Knapp, pastor of Seneca, Kansas' New Hope Baptist Church:Another call for government-run genocide.
"Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them? No, I'm saying the government should. They won't, but they should."
And I thought Conservatives thought government couldn't do anything right. A sudden change of ideology when it serves their vampiric cravings for blood.
Bible thumping,
right-wing nuttery
Children singing in Church to enthusiastic... by f100001838231867
Watch, if you can stomach the poison that's been given this innocent child. "Ain't no homos gonna go to heaven," gets them jumping to their feet and cheering.
Here you have it, a full-on demonstration of why the national far-right crowd opposes anti-bullying laws. They want kids to grow up to be a member of the anti-gay hate patrol, to spew epithets, and possibly to inflict harm verbally, maybe even physically. It's "just kids," after all, isn't it?
You could call it child abuse, but it's so widespread that it just seems part of the air we breathe. Hatred does not come from the air, though, it comes from aping the unevolved apes like the big ones dressed up in these pews.
(Funny how these things are all coming up now. It's almost like a timed campaign. I'm not a major conspiracy theorist, but Gay Pride celebrations are just around the corner, or going on about now.)
Daily news reports:
Since it hit the blogosphere, the church, identified as the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Indiana, has received harassing phone calls, and its pastor, Jeff Sangl, has even gotten death threats at home, members told
Bible thumping,
Evil preacher-creature Worley, who advocates death camps for gay and lesbian people, got a little bit of big protest thrown at him.
I think the worst part of this video may not be this unholy wreck of a man, but the counter-demonstrators who support him. Yikes. They've had time to mull it over, and they're just fine with the idea.
See also "Kansas Pastor Wants Government to Kill Gay People"
I think the worst part of this video may not be this unholy wreck of a man, but the counter-demonstrators who support him. Yikes. They've had time to mull it over, and they're just fine with the idea.
See also "Kansas Pastor Wants Government to Kill Gay People"
Bible thumping,
right-wing nuttery
CNN interviews David Cooley, owner of the Abbey in West Hollywood. He makes a strong statement for equal rights, going beyond the ban to draw the larger picture. Bravo.
29 May 2012
Atlanta area fires and burglaries are hitting pro-choice advocates, and seem to target speech as well as clinics:
Federal agents are investigating two fires in the past week at women's clinics in metro Atlanta, authorities said. ...
The two fires, along with several burglaries that struck women's clinics in recent months, have raised concerns that the clinics are being targeted by vigilantes.
The physicians who were victims of the burglaries and Sunday's fire did not perform abortions but they had all visited the statehouse this session to discuss the impact of abortion-related legislation, said Dr. David Byck, president of the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society.This looks like either one person or a group at work to silence these doctors. That does constitute terrorism, by definition, no?
"We are concerned that each of these physicians spoke with lawmakers during the session and that each then became targets of felony crimes," Byck said in a statement.
UPDATE: Here's another case of arson at a Women's education, advocacy, and community center in New Orleans. Again, this one is deliberate, going after the information materials (speech). I am not saying they are directly connected, but it's worth exploring the angle, while the feds are at it. This group seems to have overturned a law that made prostitutes subject to sex-offender registry, somehow based on a 205-year-old statute. FBI, please get on this.
abortion rights,
domestic terrorism,
New Orleans,
War on Women,
women's center
24 May 2012
West Hollywood gay bar, The Abbey, bans bachelorette parties:
I wish more bars would institute something of the sort. Around my neighborhood, mentioned in the article, crazed drunken women take over gay establishments every weekend because, as they all ways put it, "It's safe."
Ah for the bad old dangerous days.
"Every Friday and Saturday night, we're flooded with requests from straight girls in penis hats who want to ogle our gogos, dance with the gays and celebrate their pending nuptials. They are completely unaware that the people around them are legally prohibited from getting married," David Cooley, the founder of The Abbey said in a statement.Thanks to Steven T. for alerting me to this story.
I wish more bars would institute something of the sort. Around my neighborhood, mentioned in the article, crazed drunken women take over gay establishments every weekend because, as they all ways put it, "It's safe."
Ah for the bad old dangerous days.
17 May 2012
From the Department of DUH! A University of Washington study proves gaydar is real.
In the study, 96 black-and-white photos of gay and straight men and women were shown to 129 students, who were then asked to guess their subject's sexuality.So, guys, switch off Grindr, stop woofing on Scruff, and use your eyes and ears (and your psychic kids' sixth sense, if you've got it tuned). What did the cavemen do? Do that, and I don't mean painting antelopes on cave walls.
In two-thirds of cases, they were able to tell if a woman was gay or straight, and they accurately judged 57 per cent of the males they saw.
Even turning the photos upside down did not stop ability of viewers to correctly guess the subject's sexuality.
06 May 2012
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Photo: RDinNYC |
02 May 2012
This just in:
Get Pastor Harris's tweet: "Even my apology is being judged by those who are supposed to be the most tolerant as insincere. At this point nothing seems sufficient."
Oh my gawwwd, how he's being pilloried by the mean homosekshuls of the world! What bullies they are.
The story so far:
Homophobe of the week Sean Harris preached a sermon that advocated breaking the wrist of any male toddler caught seeming to be effeminate, audio via GoodAsYou.
Scarier still is that the church runs a school. Via The Advocate, it's K-12. Hello child protective services? Care for a casual swing by?
I just noticed his Linked in profile. Twenty years in the army? I'm sure he knows a few effective wrist-snapping techniques. The man has violent fantasies that he loves to express. That doesn't mean he's acted on them.
Get Pastor Harris's tweet: "Even my apology is being judged by those who are supposed to be the most tolerant as insincere. At this point nothing seems sufficient."
Oh my gawwwd, how he's being pilloried by the mean homosekshuls of the world! What bullies they are.
The story so far:
Homophobe of the week Sean Harris preached a sermon that advocated breaking the wrist of any male toddler caught seeming to be effeminate, audio via GoodAsYou.
Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male. And when your daughter starts acting to Butch you reign her in. [Transcript excerpt, errors included, from that site.]The words spread out from Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC, like an oil spill, and the church staff and preacher spent a day saying it was all a joke, or maybe just an exaggeration for effect, or whatever. Anything to get the phones to stop ringing. And the retraction has come in, via his blog. Oh, but wait!
However, I do not apologize for the manner in which the Word of God articulates sexual immorality, including homosexuality and effeminacy, as a behavior that is an abomination to God. Nothing in this official statement of retraction should be perceived as an apology for the overarching intent and message of the sermon and the need to define marriage as one man and one woman and to maintain the gender distinctions that God created from the beginning when He made them male and female (Genesis 1). I recognize that there are those in the LGBT community who believe that their sexual behavior is not sin. I do not agree with them and this official retraction should not be misunderstood as an apology for the gospel of Jesus Christ or the Word of God.My bold. So we have a non-retraction retraction. What was the "manner in which [he] emphasized"? Precisely to tell parents to break and beat their kids for the least wavering from beer-commercial gender roles. The man cannot help himself. Someone needs a rainbow intervention. Where's a bubble machine and a busload of drag queens? Time to show up in front of the place next Sunday.
I do not apologize for the manner in which I emphasized the importance of one man and one woman getting married and staying married for the benefit of their children and society.
Scarier still is that the church runs a school. Via The Advocate, it's K-12. Hello child protective services? Care for a casual swing by?
I just noticed his Linked in profile. Twenty years in the army? I'm sure he knows a few effective wrist-snapping techniques. The man has violent fantasies that he loves to express. That doesn't mean he's acted on them.
27 April 2012
This is too good. Via C.S. Monitor:
That rules out Congress, I suppose. Bad acts are bad. Kids, don't do them, don't go near them, and plug up your ears while we talk about what daddy was doing in that hotel room.
As I predicted, the cover-up is swinging now, baby. It's a party!
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland opened the daily news briefing with a salute to the handful of underage observers who joined journalists for the mid-day run-down of global events.Meanwhile, The Hill interviewed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who said that she's been briefed about some new rules coming down the pike that will forbid Secret Service agents from going to "any place of bad acts."
But any hopes that the briefing would steer clear of the salacious dissipated as questions focused on charges that Secret Service agents and other U.S. government employees caroused with strippers and prostitutes on overseas assignments.
"What a topic to be talking about on Bring Your Kids To Work day," Nuland said. "Parents, you can explain all of this later."
That rules out Congress, I suppose. Bad acts are bad. Kids, don't do them, don't go near them, and plug up your ears while we talk about what daddy was doing in that hotel room.
As I predicted, the cover-up is swinging now, baby. It's a party!
26 April 2012
From Seatlle's, the Secret Service apparently whored it up a year ago in San Salvador:
See also:
Secret Service Whoring It Up in Colombia
This source witnessed the majority of the men drink heavily ("wasted," "heavily intoxicated") at the strip club. He says most of the Secret Service "advance-team" members also paid extra for access to the VIP section of the club where they were provided a number of sexual favors in return for their cash.
...The source is referred to as a subcontractor, and he's backed up by the owner. Apparently, two of the agents took two women back to the hotel, and boasted that they did that all the time.
"No surprise to me." The owner told Halsne his club routinely takes care of high-ranking employees of the U.S. embassy in San Salvador as well as visiting FBI and DEA agents.
See also:
Secret Service Whoring It Up in Colombia
19 April 2012
Regulate Stuff?
Naw, not really. Our bureaucrats are too busy getting "massages" in Vegas.
election 2012,
18 April 2012
Catholic Priest Stands Up Against Archbishop in WA Antigay Petition Drive
Via Think Progress:
This statement took guts, and he received a standing ovation in his church upon his appearance. Read the details. It looks like people are not just falling in line with bigotry any more.But at least one Catholic leader — Father Michael Ryan of St. James Cathedral — is resisting the effort and refusing to “circulate petitions inside his parish for the campaign to repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law”:
Dear Friends,
Archbishop Sartain has written a letter in which he has expressed his support for Referendum 74 and for the collecting of signatures in parishes. Media reports regarding this are somewhat misleading. While the Archbishop has given his support to the effort, he has wisely left it up to each pastor to decide whether to allow the collection of signatures in his own parish.
After discussing the matter with the members of the Cathedral’s pastoral ministry team, I have decided that we will not participate in the collecting of signatures in our parish. Doing so would, I believe, prove hurtful and seriously divisive in our community.
Father Ryan
P.S. Isn't this the Church getting directly involved with politics? How is it not, when it's a directive from the archbishop? Enlighten me.
Cross-posted at Flaneur: "Does The Soul Not Feel Better, When The True Church, Does Something Risky and Truth-Filled"
Catholic church,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
good news,
Rugby Player Who Woke Up Gay Video Interview
A must-see video interview with Chris Birch, the former rugby enthusiast-player who fell on his head, had a stroke and woke up gay, gay, gay.
Actually, let him tell the story. The realization dawned on him gradually.
This does not mean that if someone is hit in the head, he or she will instantly become gay, but stroke can change personality, sometimes dramatically.
Sexuality is not that pliable a factor. I also don't notice that he seemed to have any choice in the matter. He just was suddenly interested in guys, no decision required. So, no straight-bashing on a lonely night, guys!
He seems to be doing just fine. It does make one ponder, tho'.
17 April 2012
Now it turns out there were 20 working women, they all had to show IDs at the desk (and those were taken down somehow, copied, scanned...).
11 Agents and 20 ladies of the evening? A report says that the rest went to MARINES.
So, more to come.
Update to: Secret Service Whoring It Up in Colombia
Update TWO: April 19, 2012. It seems the "stiffer" only offered the woman $30, and she called the police. Yes, it also seems that the other guys were confirmed as from the Pentagon. (Or some other witchy D.C. symbol.) CNN says they number FIVE. Now, wait. 20 women, 16 guys... still not adding up.
Meanwhile, other Secret Service agents are in Turkey, shopping for a rug big enough to sweep this all under.
11 Agents and 20 ladies of the evening? A report says that the rest went to MARINES.
So, more to come.
Update to: Secret Service Whoring It Up in Colombia
Update TWO: April 19, 2012. It seems the "stiffer" only offered the woman $30, and she called the police. Yes, it also seems that the other guys were confirmed as from the Pentagon. (Or some other witchy D.C. symbol.) CNN says they number FIVE. Now, wait. 20 women, 16 guys... still not adding up.
Meanwhile, other Secret Service agents are in Turkey, shopping for a rug big enough to sweep this all under.
Secret Service,
wanton lust abandoning all sense of propriety
15 April 2012
Secret Service WHORING IT UP in Colombia
These agents were hard at work, and it appears, off-work. The juicy details are just coming out:
Washington Post:
Kessler said he was told that a dozen agents had been removed from the trip. He added that soliciting prostitution is considered inappropriate by the Secret Service, even though it is legal in Colombia when conducted in designated “tolerance zones.” However, Kessler added, several of the agents involved are married.
Update: Secret Service Update
Washington Post:
Kessler said he was told that a dozen agents had been removed from the trip. He added that soliciting prostitution is considered inappropriate by the Secret Service, even though it is legal in Colombia when conducted in designated “tolerance zones.” However, Kessler added, several of the agents involved are married.
Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, was briefed on the matter and told CNN that the government personnel brought prostitutes back to their rooms Wednesday night and "one of the women did not leave the room in the morning."
A hotel manager tried to get in the room, and eventually the woman emerged and said "they owed her money," according to King. Similarly, U.S. government sources said there was a dispute between at least one Secret Service member and a woman brought back to his hotel over a request to be paid.So, a dozen are dragged home, and another five are on lock-down in the hotel, still! Apparently they'd be drinking a huge amount, then went scrounging for hookers, and after they all or most got them, one of them had a dispute over the fees for now not-so-secret service.
Update: Secret Service Update
Secret Service,
wanton lust abandoning all sense of propriety
13 April 2012
Cory Booker Saves Neighbor From Burning Building
Local hero of the week, Newark's mayor. |
From the Daily News:
A detective in the mayor’s security detail grabbed Booker by the belt in an effort to keep him from heading into the second-floor blaze in Newark’s South Ward.
But Booker won the forceful debate by turning to Det. Alex Rodriguez and declaring, “If I don’t go in, this lady is going to die.”
Cory Booker,
good news,
New Jersey,
redemptive human kindness
01 April 2012
Seals Frolic in New York Harbor
The NYDN has the photos.
I can't imagine how the harbor is clean enough for the creatures, but apparently it's so. Who am I to argue with such cuteness?
It won't be long before we're overrun with seals, and people start complaining about them.
Related: White Kiwi Chick (Not a New Movie)
NY Airport Geese to Be Cooked and Given Away
Small, puppy-like heads begin popping up out of the water.And, yes, they are cute. The cruises end in April, but the company has whale and dolphin jaunts that run through August.
It takes a moment to realize that they’re seals.
I can't imagine how the harbor is clean enough for the creatures, but apparently it's so. Who am I to argue with such cuteness?
It won't be long before we're overrun with seals, and people start complaining about them.
Related: White Kiwi Chick (Not a New Movie)
NY Airport Geese to Be Cooked and Given Away
cute animals,
New York,
New York City,
urban wildlife
31 March 2012
Batman Pulled Over by the Cops
Romney PAC: 10K to NOM
Ah, yes, thanks to HRC for getting the goods:
Financial documents obtained by HRC reveal that Mitt Romney donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage in 2008 ...
Romney's group was something called the Free and Strong America PAC. Not the Subdued and Wimpy America PAC, mind you.
In sudden high-alert defense mode, the Romney campaign shot back:
“Gov. Romney believes marriage is an institution between a man and a woman and his PAC made a donation to a group supporting that view,” campaign spokesman Andrea Saul said Friday. - Washington Post
What timing, just as NOM's divide-and-conquer African-American-and-Hispanic-people-vs.-gays strategy is revealed:
Come back next week!
Romney the Erasable
Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
Financial documents obtained by HRC reveal that Mitt Romney donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage in 2008 ...
Romney's group was something called the Free and Strong America PAC. Not the Subdued and Wimpy America PAC, mind you.
In sudden high-alert defense mode, the Romney campaign shot back:
“Gov. Romney believes marriage is an institution between a man and a woman and his PAC made a donation to a group supporting that view,” campaign spokesman Andrea Saul said Friday. - Washington Post
What timing, just as NOM's divide-and-conquer African-American-and-Hispanic-people-vs.-gays strategy is revealed:
“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage, develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots…”I would like Romney to open his mouth, yet again, and speak from the heart regarding this news of the week. It's another episode in the Perils of Mitt. How will he escape the quicksand pit? Did he know about this strategy, which NOM was apparently cooking up at about the same time? Who were his or his PAC's contacts in the group? Will he offer details about the dates and times of their meetings and conversations?
Another passage:
"The Latino vote in America is a key swing vote, and will be so even more so in the future, both because of demographic growth and inherent uncertainty: Will the process of assimilation to the dominant Anglo culture lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values? We must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity - a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation."
Come back next week!
Romney the Erasable
Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
Bible thumping,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
right-wing nuttery,
28 March 2012
The Holy Beatings Will Continue Until the Marriage Improves
In terms of the War on Women, it looks like we're falling behind. Via the Toronto Sun.
At least the beatings should not be "excessive."
A local bookstore has “sold out” of a controversial marriage guide that advises Muslim men on how to beat their wives.The story goes on to cite a horrendous honor killing, without providing more than a fuzzy linkage. I don't think that's fair journalism. The question is also put whether such a book should be sold in Canadian bookstores. They don't seem to have that freedom-of-the-press burden the U.S. has.
The 160-page book, published by Idara Impex in New Delhi, India, is written by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who’s described in the book’s foreword as a “prolific writer on almost every topic of Islamic learning.”
In terms of physical punishment, the book advises that a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her) by the ears,” but should “refrain from beating her excessively.”
At least the beatings should not be "excessive."
family values,
War on Women
27 March 2012
Romney: Russia Our Biggest Foe
This does not look good. Romney seems to hanker for the good old days of the Cold War. Via CNN's Blitzer's interview:
Who wouldn't want the Cold War back? Hiding under nuclear-blast-proof school desks, stocking the bomb shelter with crackers and Twinkies, the tense spy movies - it was a truly romantic era. P'shaw on disarmament.
Keep shaking, Romney. You're fading fast.
Related: Romney the Erasable
What he did both on nuclear weaponry already in the - in the new START treaty, as well as his decision to withdraw missile defense sites from - from Poland and then reduce our missile defense sites in Alaska from the original plan, I mean these are very unfortunate developments. And if he's planning on doing more and suggests to Russia that - that he has things he's willing to do with them, he's not willing to tell the American people - this is to Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They - they fight every cause for the world's worst actors. The I - the idea that he has some more flexibility in mind for Russia is very, very troubling, indeed. - CNNRussia looks out for its own interests. The U.S. does ... about the same. With any luck we back the good guys more than the bad, but there have been quite a few bad guys on our payroll. Anyone remember Noriega? Hands? I thought not.
Who wouldn't want the Cold War back? Hiding under nuclear-blast-proof school desks, stocking the bomb shelter with crackers and Twinkies, the tense spy movies - it was a truly romantic era. P'shaw on disarmament.
Keep shaking, Romney. You're fading fast.
Related: Romney the Erasable
25 March 2012
Filmed: Bribe Pitch From UK Conservative Party Co-treasurer
Can't wait until the film gets posted somewhere without a paywall:
I find it refreshing that the Conservative co-treasurer simply presents a price, and explains just what amount of access it buys you. This approach cuts out all that SuperDuperPac nonsense we have here.
Why can't America be as efficient as the UK Conservatives? We wonder why the country's lead has been slipping globally!
Conservative Party co-treasurer Peter Cruddas has resigned after secretly filmed footage showed him apparently offering access to the prime minister for a donation of £250,000 a year.Via BBC News.
I find it refreshing that the Conservative co-treasurer simply presents a price, and explains just what amount of access it buys you. This approach cuts out all that SuperDuperPac nonsense we have here.
Why can't America be as efficient as the UK Conservatives? We wonder why the country's lead has been slipping globally!
24 March 2012
Belvedere Vodka's Very, Ahem, Tasteful Sexual Assault Ad
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Scrubbed from the Web site, but the innertubes are forever. |
You just know it's a bad day when the Daily News prints:
The company later released another apology.I guess they were aiming for that hard-to-target date-rapist market.
When your image is high style, luxury, and a finely etched bottle, do not offend 99.99% of the people who might see this ad.
How did the wheels fall off the cart? Is this yet another sign of the Maya Apocalypse?
They're donating to anti-violence assistance, which is a somewhat helpful outcome, but seriously?
I remember recently they won big in a taste test. Odd, since vodka is supposed to have no flavor. Flavorless fine, tasteless not good!
Don't walk past corporate HQ on Monday, unless you want to trip over heads rolling out the door. Remember, something of this order usually needs approval. People inside the company, and where the ad was created, had to sign off. How did no one raise a hand and say, "Hold on. There might be a slight wrinkle in the plans?" Some brave soul might have spared everyone a lot of pain.
I thought I was getting this instead:
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See. Nice, glowing bottles, shimmering crystal ceiling. And it's vodka. |
22 March 2012
Deep Celebrity Question About "America's Got Talent"
Does anyone know what Howie Mandel's original "talent" was supposed to be? I have yet to discern it. I read that he's one of the "celebrity" panelists on America's Got Talent this season, a show I gave up watching after the last twelve fire jugglers.
Suddenly one year, Mandel had one show after another, where all he ever did was talk about himself and how adorably strange he is. (There was nothing interesting there, really, just garden-variety OCD and other well-trodden hard-to-watch-without-cringing phobias.)
Okay, he's bald and neurotic. That does not add up to funny, and he just isn't. His "hosting" routine consists of his redeclaring his germ-phobia, salivating over busty women, and presenting smarmy displays of sentiment that seem cooked up to tug viewer heartstrings. (How hard is it to stage surprise reunions of long-absent service members with their families? Does the effort really require the intervention of television? Can't the parties get some damn privacy?)
How did this individual get on my television? Why is he so annoying? Why won't he just go away? I'm sure he's a fine fellow, even though he doesn't kiss babies or pat dogs.
Why are we living in the age of celebrities who are just "there"? They're like gum stuck to your sneakers. They are endlessly uninteresting, but somehow I'm supposed to be thrilled when they appear.
Oops, I've admitted to watching television, even flipping through dumb TV. Okay. Busted.
Suddenly one year, Mandel had one show after another, where all he ever did was talk about himself and how adorably strange he is. (There was nothing interesting there, really, just garden-variety OCD and other well-trodden hard-to-watch-without-cringing phobias.)
Okay, he's bald and neurotic. That does not add up to funny, and he just isn't. His "hosting" routine consists of his redeclaring his germ-phobia, salivating over busty women, and presenting smarmy displays of sentiment that seem cooked up to tug viewer heartstrings. (How hard is it to stage surprise reunions of long-absent service members with their families? Does the effort really require the intervention of television? Can't the parties get some damn privacy?)
How did this individual get on my television? Why is he so annoying? Why won't he just go away? I'm sure he's a fine fellow, even though he doesn't kiss babies or pat dogs.
Why are we living in the age of celebrities who are just "there"? They're like gum stuck to your sneakers. They are endlessly uninteresting, but somehow I'm supposed to be thrilled when they appear.
Oops, I've admitted to watching television, even flipping through dumb TV. Okay. Busted.
Etch-a-sketch Romney the Erasable

It might cause his brain to snap into place in some way that his foot does not reflexively stick itself into his mouth.
I don't know the neurology here. But there are stories of people being struck by lightning and suddenly knowing Swahili. Perhaps some sort of jolt might cause Mitt to speak Commoner.
There's an undertone throughout most media coverage that seems to repeat the mantra:
Poor Little Rich Guy Mitt. He just can't HELP it. He's been so coddled for s-o-o-o-o long. Can't you just feel for him? Imagine the burden of having to talk to real, actual, smelly people - after years of having everyone massage your ego on an hourly basis? POOR MITT!!!
No one I can think of begged him to run, but I'm certainly enjoying it.
Related: Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
election 2012,
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