02 May 2012


This just in:

Get Pastor Harris's tweet: "Even my apology is being judged by those who are supposed to be the most tolerant as insincere. At this point nothing seems sufficient."

Oh my gawwwd, how he's being pilloried by the mean homosekshuls of the world! What bullies they are.

The story so far:

Homophobe of the week Sean Harris preached a sermon that advocated breaking the wrist of any male toddler caught seeming to be effeminate, audio via GoodAsYou.
Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male. And when your daughter starts acting to Butch you reign her in. [Transcript excerpt, errors included, from that site.]
The words spread out from Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC, like an oil spill, and the church staff and preacher spent a day saying it was all a joke, or maybe just an exaggeration for effect, or whatever. Anything to get the phones to stop ringing. And the retraction has come in, via his blog. Oh, but wait!
However, I do not apologize for the manner in which the Word of God articulates sexual immorality, including homosexuality and effeminacy, as a behavior that is an abomination to God. Nothing in this official statement of retraction should be perceived as an apology for the overarching intent and message of the sermon and the need to define marriage as one man and one woman and to maintain the gender distinctions that God created from the beginning when He made them male and female (Genesis 1). I recognize that there are those in the LGBT community who believe that their sexual behavior is not sin. I do not agree with them and this official retraction should not be misunderstood as an apology for the gospel of Jesus Christ or the Word of God.

I do not apologize for the manner in which I emphasized the importance of one man and one woman getting married and staying married for the benefit of their children and society.
My bold. So we have a non-retraction retraction. What was the "manner in which [he] emphasized"? Precisely to tell parents to break and beat their kids for the least wavering from beer-commercial gender roles. The man cannot help himself. Someone needs a rainbow intervention. Where's a bubble machine and a busload of drag queens? Time to show up in front of the place next Sunday.

Scarier still is that the church runs a school. Via The Advocate, it's K-12. Hello child protective services? Care for a casual swing by?

I just noticed his Linked in profile. Twenty years in the army? I'm sure he knows a few effective wrist-snapping techniques. The man has violent fantasies that he loves to express. That doesn't mean he's acted on them.


  1. http://factintact.blogspot.com/2012/05/nc-nightmare-preacher-sean-harris.html

  2. Oops, I meant:


  3. Thanks. That's a link to Act Blue's ad campaign against the hideous Amendment 1.


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