The reality show that is the Romney campaign hit the rocks this week.
What no one has mentioned about the video is that none of the audience even coughed. No one stirred, fidgeted, or looked around. Does that mean they agreed with him? Not necessarily, but neither did they find his remarks outlandish.
And so, in private, these thoughts can be voiced. Hell, Paul Ryan says about the same things into any public microphone he finds live.
This is the ideology, often cloaked, rarely stated, tied with a bow. I admire Romney's boldness in stating it directly. How is he not a conservative now? Those calling on him to double down are the voices he should listen to. Why not have this argument out in the open, finally? Without the code words, without the dressing and drapery.
When the many conservatives pile on Romney now, it's a damn good spectacle. But what else have they been saying all along? About the same.
I'll take that debate. Then let the vote happen. Romney did not back off. Good first step.
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