18 April 2012

Rugby Player Who Woke Up Gay Video Interview

A must-see video interview with Chris Birch, the former rugby enthusiast-player who fell on his head, had a stroke and woke up gay, gay, gay.

Actually, let him tell the story. The realization dawned on him gradually.

This does not mean that if someone is hit in the head, he or she will instantly become gay, but stroke can change personality, sometimes dramatically.

Sexuality is not that pliable a factor. I also don't notice that he seemed to have any choice in the matter. He just was suddenly interested in guys, no decision required. So, no straight-bashing on a lonely night, guys!

He seems to be doing just fine. It does make one ponder, tho'.


  1. I've noticed that the men on the sidewalks of Queens tend to discover their luv of other menses in their 40s, after previous decades of loyalty to the female homosapien. So change can indeed cum, just like our half-white President intones. I myself became Latino-sexual in my 40s, too, so I fully comprehend changes in the sensual mode. Whether change is on account of vibrations sent from Jesus, or concussions, or cold, hard cash, I say down with the hetero police state, cuz it's a lie. Occupy militant heterosexualists!

  2. Queens is a rather magical borough where anything can happen.


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