31 March 2012
Batman Pulled Over by the Cops
Romney PAC: 10K to NOM
Ah, yes, thanks to HRC for getting the goods:
Financial documents obtained by HRC reveal that Mitt Romney donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage in 2008 ...
Romney's group was something called the Free and Strong America PAC. Not the Subdued and Wimpy America PAC, mind you.
In sudden high-alert defense mode, the Romney campaign shot back:
“Gov. Romney believes marriage is an institution between a man and a woman and his PAC made a donation to a group supporting that view,” campaign spokesman Andrea Saul said Friday. - Washington Post
What timing, just as NOM's divide-and-conquer African-American-and-Hispanic-people-vs.-gays strategy is revealed:
Come back next week!
Romney the Erasable
Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
Financial documents obtained by HRC reveal that Mitt Romney donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage in 2008 ...
Romney's group was something called the Free and Strong America PAC. Not the Subdued and Wimpy America PAC, mind you.
In sudden high-alert defense mode, the Romney campaign shot back:
“Gov. Romney believes marriage is an institution between a man and a woman and his PAC made a donation to a group supporting that view,” campaign spokesman Andrea Saul said Friday. - Washington Post
What timing, just as NOM's divide-and-conquer African-American-and-Hispanic-people-vs.-gays strategy is revealed:
“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage, develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots…”I would like Romney to open his mouth, yet again, and speak from the heart regarding this news of the week. It's another episode in the Perils of Mitt. How will he escape the quicksand pit? Did he know about this strategy, which NOM was apparently cooking up at about the same time? Who were his or his PAC's contacts in the group? Will he offer details about the dates and times of their meetings and conversations?
Another passage:
"The Latino vote in America is a key swing vote, and will be so even more so in the future, both because of demographic growth and inherent uncertainty: Will the process of assimilation to the dominant Anglo culture lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values? We must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity - a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation."
Come back next week!
Romney the Erasable
Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
Bible thumping,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
right-wing nuttery,
28 March 2012
The Holy Beatings Will Continue Until the Marriage Improves
In terms of the War on Women, it looks like we're falling behind. Via the Toronto Sun.
At least the beatings should not be "excessive."
A local bookstore has “sold out” of a controversial marriage guide that advises Muslim men on how to beat their wives.The story goes on to cite a horrendous honor killing, without providing more than a fuzzy linkage. I don't think that's fair journalism. The question is also put whether such a book should be sold in Canadian bookstores. They don't seem to have that freedom-of-the-press burden the U.S. has.
The 160-page book, published by Idara Impex in New Delhi, India, is written by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who’s described in the book’s foreword as a “prolific writer on almost every topic of Islamic learning.”
In terms of physical punishment, the book advises that a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her) by the ears,” but should “refrain from beating her excessively.”
At least the beatings should not be "excessive."
family values,
War on Women
27 March 2012
Romney: Russia Our Biggest Foe
This does not look good. Romney seems to hanker for the good old days of the Cold War. Via CNN's Blitzer's interview:
Who wouldn't want the Cold War back? Hiding under nuclear-blast-proof school desks, stocking the bomb shelter with crackers and Twinkies, the tense spy movies - it was a truly romantic era. P'shaw on disarmament.
Keep shaking, Romney. You're fading fast.
Related: Romney the Erasable
What he did both on nuclear weaponry already in the - in the new START treaty, as well as his decision to withdraw missile defense sites from - from Poland and then reduce our missile defense sites in Alaska from the original plan, I mean these are very unfortunate developments. And if he's planning on doing more and suggests to Russia that - that he has things he's willing to do with them, he's not willing to tell the American people - this is to Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They - they fight every cause for the world's worst actors. The I - the idea that he has some more flexibility in mind for Russia is very, very troubling, indeed. - CNNRussia looks out for its own interests. The U.S. does ... about the same. With any luck we back the good guys more than the bad, but there have been quite a few bad guys on our payroll. Anyone remember Noriega? Hands? I thought not.
Who wouldn't want the Cold War back? Hiding under nuclear-blast-proof school desks, stocking the bomb shelter with crackers and Twinkies, the tense spy movies - it was a truly romantic era. P'shaw on disarmament.
Keep shaking, Romney. You're fading fast.
Related: Romney the Erasable
25 March 2012
Filmed: Bribe Pitch From UK Conservative Party Co-treasurer
Can't wait until the film gets posted somewhere without a paywall:
I find it refreshing that the Conservative co-treasurer simply presents a price, and explains just what amount of access it buys you. This approach cuts out all that SuperDuperPac nonsense we have here.
Why can't America be as efficient as the UK Conservatives? We wonder why the country's lead has been slipping globally!
Conservative Party co-treasurer Peter Cruddas has resigned after secretly filmed footage showed him apparently offering access to the prime minister for a donation of £250,000 a year.Via BBC News.
I find it refreshing that the Conservative co-treasurer simply presents a price, and explains just what amount of access it buys you. This approach cuts out all that SuperDuperPac nonsense we have here.
Why can't America be as efficient as the UK Conservatives? We wonder why the country's lead has been slipping globally!
24 March 2012
Belvedere Vodka's Very, Ahem, Tasteful Sexual Assault Ad
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Scrubbed from the Web site, but the innertubes are forever. |
You just know it's a bad day when the Daily News prints:
The company later released another apology.I guess they were aiming for that hard-to-target date-rapist market.
When your image is high style, luxury, and a finely etched bottle, do not offend 99.99% of the people who might see this ad.
How did the wheels fall off the cart? Is this yet another sign of the Maya Apocalypse?
They're donating to anti-violence assistance, which is a somewhat helpful outcome, but seriously?
I remember recently they won big in a taste test. Odd, since vodka is supposed to have no flavor. Flavorless fine, tasteless not good!
Don't walk past corporate HQ on Monday, unless you want to trip over heads rolling out the door. Remember, something of this order usually needs approval. People inside the company, and where the ad was created, had to sign off. How did no one raise a hand and say, "Hold on. There might be a slight wrinkle in the plans?" Some brave soul might have spared everyone a lot of pain.
I thought I was getting this instead:
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See. Nice, glowing bottles, shimmering crystal ceiling. And it's vodka. |
22 March 2012
Deep Celebrity Question About "America's Got Talent"
Does anyone know what Howie Mandel's original "talent" was supposed to be? I have yet to discern it. I read that he's one of the "celebrity" panelists on America's Got Talent this season, a show I gave up watching after the last twelve fire jugglers.
Suddenly one year, Mandel had one show after another, where all he ever did was talk about himself and how adorably strange he is. (There was nothing interesting there, really, just garden-variety OCD and other well-trodden hard-to-watch-without-cringing phobias.)
Okay, he's bald and neurotic. That does not add up to funny, and he just isn't. His "hosting" routine consists of his redeclaring his germ-phobia, salivating over busty women, and presenting smarmy displays of sentiment that seem cooked up to tug viewer heartstrings. (How hard is it to stage surprise reunions of long-absent service members with their families? Does the effort really require the intervention of television? Can't the parties get some damn privacy?)
How did this individual get on my television? Why is he so annoying? Why won't he just go away? I'm sure he's a fine fellow, even though he doesn't kiss babies or pat dogs.
Why are we living in the age of celebrities who are just "there"? They're like gum stuck to your sneakers. They are endlessly uninteresting, but somehow I'm supposed to be thrilled when they appear.
Oops, I've admitted to watching television, even flipping through dumb TV. Okay. Busted.
Suddenly one year, Mandel had one show after another, where all he ever did was talk about himself and how adorably strange he is. (There was nothing interesting there, really, just garden-variety OCD and other well-trodden hard-to-watch-without-cringing phobias.)
Okay, he's bald and neurotic. That does not add up to funny, and he just isn't. His "hosting" routine consists of his redeclaring his germ-phobia, salivating over busty women, and presenting smarmy displays of sentiment that seem cooked up to tug viewer heartstrings. (How hard is it to stage surprise reunions of long-absent service members with their families? Does the effort really require the intervention of television? Can't the parties get some damn privacy?)
How did this individual get on my television? Why is he so annoying? Why won't he just go away? I'm sure he's a fine fellow, even though he doesn't kiss babies or pat dogs.
Why are we living in the age of celebrities who are just "there"? They're like gum stuck to your sneakers. They are endlessly uninteresting, but somehow I'm supposed to be thrilled when they appear.
Oops, I've admitted to watching television, even flipping through dumb TV. Okay. Busted.
Etch-a-sketch Romney the Erasable

It might cause his brain to snap into place in some way that his foot does not reflexively stick itself into his mouth.
I don't know the neurology here. But there are stories of people being struck by lightning and suddenly knowing Swahili. Perhaps some sort of jolt might cause Mitt to speak Commoner.
There's an undertone throughout most media coverage that seems to repeat the mantra:
Poor Little Rich Guy Mitt. He just can't HELP it. He's been so coddled for s-o-o-o-o long. Can't you just feel for him? Imagine the burden of having to talk to real, actual, smelly people - after years of having everyone massage your ego on an hourly basis? POOR MITT!!!
No one I can think of begged him to run, but I'm certainly enjoying it.
Related: Romney: Russia, Our Biggest Foe
election 2012,
20 March 2012
Tennessee's Anti-abortion Scarlet Letter Bill ... Is It Real?
Maybe, maybe not.
So, I'd say, yeah, you can call it the Scarlet Letter Bill of 2012.
Please note, every title of everything this year must be appended with the numeral year date, 2012, in case anyone might forget what year it is. Thank you.
The Life Defense Act of 2012 ... would direct the state Health Department to post on its website a report on every abortion, to be filled out by the facility where the procedure takes place.
The reports must include the "identification of the physician who performed the abortion and the physician's office, clinic, hospital or other facility where the abortion was performed," according to the official summary of the bill.Then the L.A. Times explains that the reporting will include a woman's age, county, marital status, and so on, making it much easier to identify the person, especially in less populated areas.
So, I'd say, yeah, you can call it the Scarlet Letter Bill of 2012.
Please note, every title of everything this year must be appended with the numeral year date, 2012, in case anyone might forget what year it is. Thank you.
abortion rights,
Bible thumping,
War on Women
David Brooks: ORIGINAL SIN to blame for Afghan Massacre?

"According to this older worldview, Robert Bales, like all of us, is a mixture of virtue and depravity. His job is to struggle daily to strengthen the good and resist the evil, policing small transgressions to prevent larger ones. If he didn’t do that, and if he was swept up in a whirlwind, then even a formerly good man is capable of monstrous acts that shock the soul and sear the brain."
I wish Brooks would just come out and say, "I blame original sin," but he doesn't. The mind reels, trying to figure out what exactly he is saying. In sum, nothing. He fails to say what he thinks, and just maunders on about the age-old question: "Humans, good or evil?"
Pundits like him? I'll let you guess which of evil or good I'd class him in. He always slithers away from a conclusion, following another actor in the original original-sin myth.
The disturbing part of his nonsense is its function as smokescreen. Well, perhaps it was The Devil... Yes, el diablo himself, horns and all.
Geez, could you just shut your backward, Medieval, if not evil, thoughts off for a second and not throw out a defense not allowed in court for 500 years. Of course, back then, in those same good ol' days, that defense would get you hanged as a witch.
This is the conservatives' brightest bulb on the marquee? Or is he second, after Newt?
Bible thumping,
David Brooks,
19 March 2012
Georgia Nut State Rep. Terry England: Women Are Cattle!
He's pushing for yet another anti-abortion law, but wants it to include nonviable fetuses.
These people have declared the War on Woman. Every day brings a new descent into barbarism.
Rep. Terry England compares women to cows, pigs and chickens. from Bryan Long on Vimeo.
These people have declared the War on Woman. Every day brings a new descent into barbarism.
Rep. Terry England compares women to cows, pigs and chickens. from Bryan Long on Vimeo.
Bible thumping,
right-wing nuttery,
War on Women
18 March 2012
ALLEGEDLY! Jump to about 3 mins. in if you want to see the incident before and after.
Video streaming by Ustream
Video streaming by Ustream
I kid you not. Jump to about a minute in. This one should put paid to all those rumors running loose on the Innertubes.
Please note, this "Night Commute" protest, or whatever it is, exhorts school kids to go downtown (in whatever town) and sleep in the streets. There's a demonstration of what they are aiming at at the very end. Is this entire Invisible Children group insane? Is this not child endangerment on a grand scale?
Or perhaps they're starting a new Children's Crusade. The first one worked out so well, as we know.
Please note, this "Night Commute" protest, or whatever it is, exhorts school kids to go downtown (in whatever town) and sleep in the streets. There's a demonstration of what they are aiming at at the very end. Is this entire Invisible Children group insane? Is this not child endangerment on a grand scale?
Or perhaps they're starting a new Children's Crusade. The first one worked out so well, as we know.
Two Men Protest at Little Rick's Rally by Kissing
family values,
gay marriage,
gay rights,
Rick Santorum
Accused Trans ID Thief Fooled Doctors for 13 YEARS!
How did they NOT notice that HE WAS A GUY?
Perla Aldama Serrano, a cross-dressing 51-year-old homeless man, was arrested last week in Orange County, Calif. on charges he stole a woman's identity for over a decade and ran up hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills in her name.
Did he have brain-dead doctors for 13 years?
Perla Aldama Serrano, a cross-dressing 51-year-old homeless man, was arrested last week in Orange County, Calif. on charges he stole a woman's identity for over a decade and ran up hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills in her name.
Did he have brain-dead doctors for 13 years?
Crazed Woman in Philly Protests, Naked, at School
Now it's Philadelphia.
After school officials refused to allow the woman into the building, she and her children left, only to return later, shed their clothing and begin to pray before climbing into a van.I ask humbly, What is Wrong with People? Again with the praying. Could you not add that element, lady?
Tea Paty Leader Drags Woman Into Car, Assaults Her (Allegedly)
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Michael Kobulnicky, the public relations spokesperson for the San Diego Tea Party, was arrested Thursday afternoon in front of his home, according to Lt. Anastasia Smith with the San Diego Police Department.
Kobulnicky is accused of a
Feb. 25 abduction and sexual assault of a 56-year-old woman who was
walking home near Linda Vista Rd. in Fiesta Island. The woman was pulled
into a car and assaulted, then left on the island, police said.
I knew the Republicans had declared a War on Women, but this is taking it to a new low. Lock up your daughters, the conservatives are loose and triumphant.
Now I know why they hate all that govmint regulation. (Of course, nothing's proven, but I can't help myself.)
This looks to be his personal Web site, from which I quote:
Michael is single and has five sons. He loves to read all different types of books, especially books relating to the Constitution and our Founding Fathers, among other types of interests. He is a Christian too.Good thing he's a Christian. I don't want any atheists defiling innocent women. There's more in his res:
August 2011 to Present: Co-Organizer/Public Relations Spokesperson for San Diego Tea Party with over 1,200 members.So, yes, that seems to be him. Via Raw Story:
The San Diego Tea Party released a statement, citing that Kobulincky has been relieved of his spokesperson’s role and has been inactive since January. He is facing a myriad of felony charges, including kidnapping, sexual assault and sex with a foreign object.I thought the Tea Party was against all things foreign.
17 March 2012
Santorum Will Cleanse U.S. of Pornography
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Ricky Prays for You Porn-addicted Heathens |
Current federal “obscenity” laws prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier. Rick Santorum believes that federal obscenity laws should be vigorously enforced. “If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so.”
The Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws. While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration.I guess everyone in the Obama Admin went blind from watching porn in hotel rooms.
Methinks Little Ricky is "vigorously" doing something with his left hand.
He goes on to praise the work of a number of homophobic, anti-women groups (yes, the usual suspects) who will scourge the scourge, I guess.
Bible thumping,
Rick Santorum,
right-wing nuttery
Jason Russell Vandalizes Cars While Whacking It
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Jason Russell in happier times. |
Jason Russell, 33, was allegedly found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something, according to the SDPD.If the man can vandalize cars while whacking it, I have to give him credit. But the CHILDREN, THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Seeing all this car rape in broad daylight. I guess he can call his next group Visible to the Children.
TMZ has the nsfw goods, and I wouldn't mind seeing the longer, perhaps even uncut version. (Caution, full backal nudity, with maybe something else showing, as he flails his palms upon the sidewalk. Is that his arm or ..?)
Invisible Children's statement contained this howler: "...we ask that you give his entire family privacy during this difficult time.''
Meanwhile, accusations of ties to far-Christianist-right extremists (yes, even connected to the Ugandan Kill the Gays bill) are dogging Invisible Children currently. The gist is that the group seems to ignore the Ugandan Government's history of crimes, which are of the same stomach-churning ilk.
So, have we been duped? Or has someone with a good heart and good intentions been used as a propaganda front man? Or none of the above, but while you're at it, kill the gays? Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this.
I asked for it, I got it. More video. I think he says something like You're the devil!
He then applauds. (Nudity blurred, alas!)
Bible thumping,
family values,
Invisible Children,
Jason Russell,
Kony 2012,
wanton lust abandoning all sense of propriety
16 March 2012
Moonbase Alice
Yes. If we really ever have a little home on the moon, we must call it Moonbase Alice.
I have spoken.
I have spoken.
Moonbase Alice,
The New New iPad Harmed Me Bodily
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