03 February 2012

Washington Gay Marriage Rolls Forward

I know it's a good thing, but it looks like the adversaries are not giving up. Opponents are determined to pull ANOTHER REFERENDUM, as they have done in so many other states.

And, as before, the majority will be given the chance to vote on the rights of the minority. That always works out well, huh?

While the odds on the referendum rollback are long, the problem remains that so many other states will have to re-referendum their laws and constitutional amendments, guaranteeing a constant state of this reprehensible type of voting for 20 to 50 years to come.

Unless some bolt from the blue, a federal shade of blue, should strike, prepare for a long slog through swampy voting. That's what the opponents want, since it keeps them funded and in the limelight. No one would give them a moment of their attention otherwise.

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