28 February 2012

Little Ricky Santorum Wants You Nasty Democrats to Vote for Him

Well isn't that INTeresting?

Rick Santorum wants evil, liberal, homo-loving, dog-fornicating-with Democrats to vote for HIM today.

Abandon your welfare-queen palaces, put down the white wine, and go vote.

Hear it here.

Democrats for Santorum? You cannot make this stuff up.

24 February 2012

Welcome Maryland to Marriage Equality

Maryland has done it, and that's pretty damn good.

Let's add Delaware and dump the NJ Gov., and we're working on a solid Northeast.

Fairly soon we're going to stop calling it "gay marriage" and just call it "marriage." As it should be.

09 February 2012

Washington State Legislature Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Some better news.

Gay marriage will be signed into law by the governor of the state.

The earth-shattering result? More people will get married.

Meanwhile Little Ricky is in a lather over those hateful bigoted leftists who want gay people to marry. He calls it "a religion unto itself."

The NY Times:
He went on to attack Democrats, for what he called their “intolerance” of people of faith, saying their “assault” was a “religion unto itself, like atheists in the Soviet Union.”
Of course, the Gray Lady is wrong. He was attacking the "Left" as witnessed in this Reuters video.

Great. We've got it. The Religion of the Left. That means anyone progressive finally gets religious freedom under the Bill of Rights, right?

I don't think that's what he's after, but that's what you're getting. Now I have to figure out my outfit as official High Priest. Then there's the choice of shoes, incense, symbols, music... Endless possibilities!

I'll put that order in for the stained glass window of Darwin as the captain of a pirate ship firing on Noah's ark.

08 February 2012

Good Riddance to Bad Rubble?

The big ugly yellow building is gone at last! Thanks to E.V. Grieve for the photos from above. From the ground, it looked like the end of an error.

Alas, the Great Wall that is slated to take its place looks like something out of a horror movie.

07 February 2012

Californians Foolishly Celebrate Victory Over Prop 8

In a haze of folly, California's anti-Prop 8 forces today swooned over a prematurely declared victory over Proposition 8. Alas, this just means the case gets bumped from the 3-judge panel of the circuit court to the entire 11-judge body. Then it will go to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it's anyone's guess whether simple logic can prevail. It hasn't so far (see Citizen's United).

On the bright side, perhaps same-sex corporations will be allowed to marry.

Yes, yes, I know the argument here: more heaps of paper with eloquent reasoning will eventually tip the balance. Maybe, but not usually, and not so far.

Again, always happy to be surprised.

04 February 2012

Rick Santorum: Marriage a 'Privilege' Not for Yous Gays

Little Ricky sticks his foot in his mouth yet again. Listen through for the compendium of right-wing arguments against gay marriage to date.

He carefully argues for only hetero marriage based on birthin' them babies. Never mind that lesbians do this at an alarming rate! Children born to them would not be allowed a second parent, no way, no how.

If you follow his "logic" all opposite-sex couples would have to prove fertility to get married. Vasectomies will be outlawed in his very strange kingdom.

[video: looks to be CNN with a Think Progress overlay. How do they get away with slapping their stamp on it, when it clearly says CNN?]

03 February 2012

Washington Gay Marriage Rolls Forward

I know it's a good thing, but it looks like the adversaries are not giving up. Opponents are determined to pull ANOTHER REFERENDUM, as they have done in so many other states.

And, as before, the majority will be given the chance to vote on the rights of the minority. That always works out well, huh?

While the odds on the referendum rollback are long, the problem remains that so many other states will have to re-referendum their laws and constitutional amendments, guaranteeing a constant state of this reprehensible type of voting for 20 to 50 years to come.

Unless some bolt from the blue, a federal shade of blue, should strike, prepare for a long slog through swampy voting. That's what the opponents want, since it keeps them funded and in the limelight. No one would give them a moment of their attention otherwise.